Soundscape 2019

We’re excited to be offering a new Sound Art course this coming Fall 2020: The Soundscape

Course Description:
This course provides an introduction to field recording and field recording composition (phonography), acoustic ecology and concepts of deep listening through the exploration of multiple acoustic environments throughout Baltimore City and its surrounding counties. The class will also take an anthropological approach and consider how different cultures, urban development and humans have influenced our sonic environment throughout history while considering its positive and negative effects.

Topics covered will include soundscape theory and history, microphones and recorders, in field techniques and tools for recording sound, working in a variety of locations, basic sound editing and composition, working with Natural VLF (Very-Low-Frequency) phenomena, microsound, aural architecture, noise, hydrophones for underwater recording, building contact microphones and acousmatic composition.

In addition to multiple creative projects the class will also produce a future edition of Framework, a weekly sixty minute international radio program dedicated to field recording and its use in composition